Fun Activities and Opportunities!
Our teachers are working hard to send you some great content and ideas to keep your children entertained and make the most out of being at home together. Ms. Amber created a list of 10 Learning Activities to do at Home, Ms. Ann has a cloud activity to share, Ms. Erica shared some favorite dance songs and we celebrate the life of author Tomie dePaola, in a read aloud of his famous book, Strega Nona.
Ms. Amber's 10 Learning Activity ideas to do at Home
1. Go on an alphabet hunt. Look around! There are letters on cereal boxes, sweatshirts, water bottles... Who can find the letter A? Who can find all the letters in their name? Who can find all the letters in the alphabet?
2. Build a tower. Is your tower made of wooden blocks or lego or tissue boxes? Count how many you can stack before it falls.
3. Have a parade! March around the house or in the back yard. Use empty oatmeal container or turn over a small pot as a drum. Wave a scarf or bandana in the air. Clap your hands, stomp your feet, shout hooray and march around!
4. Trace your hands. Do you have paper and crayons? Trace your hands. Is it easier to trace your hand or someone else? Compare the hands of everyone who lives with you. Whose hands are biggest? Smallest? How many hands will fit on the paper? Color in the hands with beautiful colors.
5. Silly Animal Simon Says. Can you pretend to be a monkey? A dinosaur? A snake? A bunny? Take turns being Simon and deciding what silly animals to be.
6. Act out a favorite story. A grown up or older sibling can read a page or two in the book, then try to move your body and pretend to be that character. Maybe you are Clifford the big red dog having an adventure with Emily Elizabeth. Maybe you are Pete the Cat with your white shoes that turn colors when you step on different things. Maybe you are Elephant and Piggy with a bird on your head!
7. Cook or Bake something together. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Ask your child to help you pour in the cup of milk or stir the batter. Maybe the cookies need to be rolled into a ball and placed on a cookie sheet. Look at the recipe together and point to the words as you read the directions.
8. Have your child “read” to you. Have your child hold the book and look at the pictures. Ask them to tell you what is happening in the story. What are the characters doing? What do you think will happen next? Maybe there’s some stuffed animals who would like to hear the story too.
9. Wash toys. Do you have a bowl to fill up part way with soap and water? A small washcloth or sponge? Maybe there’s some action figures or little cars that need washed. Show your child how to rub the sponge on the toy. This is a great sensory play activity that’s also some good clean fun!
10. Build a nest. Use some pillows or blankets to build a cozy spot. Sit together and snuggle. You could sing a calm song or just tell each other you love them and are so happy you are together right now.
Ms. Ann shows everyone how much fun learning about clouds can be in this video -
Ms. Erica shared some of the toddlers favorite tunes to dance to. Turn up the fun and get moving!
Listen and Move
Freeze Dance
Hair up Trolls
Baby Shark
Enjoy Strega Nona by Tomie dePaola.