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COVID-19 Updates 3/13/202

We are watching the multiple cancellations that are for helping decrease the spread of the COVID-19 virus and we know you have questions about operation plans at K-Prep. In this instance, we will not follow Hempfield School District for closing. We will wait for recommendations from local officials regarding childcare centers in Lancaster County. As you are aware, everything is developing rapidly, but we will do our best to inform you of details at the center. At this time, we have no confirmed or presumed cases of Coronavirus at K-Prep Learning Center.

We will continue to follow our regulations of consistent hand washing, sanitizing and cleaning. We will also increase cleaning in common areas, and know that you are always welcome to utilize our facilities to wash your own hands. While children are least at risk for complications of Coronavirus, we still ask that if your child or member of your immediate family is sick, please stay home.

Thank you for your patience, calm manner and understanding during this time.

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