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Kindergarten Registration Information

Kindergarten Registration season is here!

Quick notes -

  1. Your child is eligible for Kindergarten if they are 5 years old by September 1, 2021.

  2. Not all districts offer full-day Kindergarten! Half day is typically 9:00am - 11:30am or 12:30pm- 3:00pm

  3. With half-day Kindergarten, there is not often mid-day bus transportation.

  4. K-Prep does not offer transportation or extended day care for Kindergarten.

Every district is different and things change every year! Please go investigate your Kindergarten options early. Districts offer information nights, visits and virtual presentations - as with everything else this year, registration may be different, but the majority have information online.

We have had a handful of families enroll in private kindergarten, especially for full-day needs.

The Jenkins School -

St. Leo The Great Catholic School -

If you are unsure if your child is ready for kindergarten, remember that it is still 8 months away, but not every child develops at the same time. Share your questions or concerns with your teacher and when the spring reports and conferences are offered, be sure to schedule one!



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