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Updated closure letter to families

Dear Families,

I hope you are all doing well, staying home and safe during this pandemic. I just want to give you a brief update on our closure.

We continue to receive updates from Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) along with Department of Human Services. All organizations are reminding us that childcare centers are not essential or life-sustaining businesses and therefore fall under the current mandated closures issued by Governor Wolf. Some childcare centers are able to apply for a waiver to operate, especially if they serve populations of essential workers. K-Prep is not applying for this waiver.

We will remain closed until this ban is lifted by Governor Wolf. While no date has been given, we can be hopeful that the school closure ban scheduled to be lifted on April 6th, will also allow us to return to operation. Governor Wolf emphasized that this may be extended. We must also be prepared for an extension. However, please know that we have no additional or inside information.

While your children do not understand that they can not see their friends and teachers, please feel free to view videos on our website of teachers reading and singing their favorite songs and stories. Also, the K-Prep Facebook page is getting regular posts of story times and fun activities to keep your children entertained.

Thank you again for your continued support financially. K-Prep has already applied for a working capital loan to help during this time and throughout the summer months. It is our intention to be in full operation as soon as we get the word to return safely!  

Please be safe. Please stay home, stay healthy and try and enjoy this time with your family!

Thank you,

Claire B. Crescenzi



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